Thursday, February 18, 2010

Extra Credit

Today i started my extra credit assignment and am trying to work with the tween tool for my background and plan on bringing in some pictures to use with it. I haven't run into any problems so far and everything is going well.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Color Change, Masking

Today i completed both the color change of an image and added a new background to a picture i didn't run into any problems with it and i thought it was really easy. I also worked on some more masking and finished the gun and lock project, this one also was very simple and i had no problems completing it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Animation, Pepsi Logo

Today i worked on the pepsi logo and the animation project. I thought the animation was pretty difficult to figure out how to dulplicate the frames and to make it work. I didnt run into any problems with the pepsi logo i thought it was pretty simple.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Line Graphics Tween

Today i worked on the line graphic tween project and i completed it. I still found it difficult to get it to work and needed some help. Once i finally got it to work and then i started working on an animation project.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Line Graphics Tween

Today i worked on trying to get this project to work. I ran into many problems starting with the correct shape not being with the program and also the items won't tween like they are supposed to. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully it will work out better.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Text Masking

Today i worked on masking text and found it very simple. The tutorial was very good at explaining everything and i didn't run into any problems at all. I also started working on changing the color of a image and will continue to do so tomorrow.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Gradient, Shadows and Reflection

Today i started and finished making a star with different effects. I used gradient, shadow and fading affects. I didn't run into any problems making this project the tutorial wasn't very good at showing where they were getting the objects though.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rubber Stamp and Interlacing Letters

Today i completed the rubber stamp and interlacing letters. I found the rubber stamp to be very easy and didn't run into any problems at all. I also found the interlacing of letters to be pretty simple the only problem i ran into was having part of the letter dissapear that i didn't want to.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Interlacing circles

Today i completed my interlacing circles project. I found most of the steps to be fairly simple. There was one part with the masking that was very difficult to do with having the circles with an inner bevel. After trial and error i finally got it to work by flattening the objects and trying again.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Banner

Today i finished my other banner and thought everything went very well. I started working on interlacing objects and so far it is going very well. The only problem i have run into so far is the masking to make it look more natural. I will be spending more time on that tomorrow and should be able to finish it by then.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Today i finished my banner and found it very easy with the tutorial how to do everything and make it look cool. I didn't really find anything that was to difficult today. I started working on doing another banner and am almost finished with that. I think that the tools to make the text different worked really well and you could really do alot of different things with that.